At some point on the path of the performance improvement plan most of us face the question, “Should I stay or should I go?” or more appropriately in a PIP situation, should I quit or let them fire me. By the time an employee is on a PIP, typically management already had made the decision the rogue employee needs to go. That means, once you’re on a PIP, you are in a sense in enemy territory. Usually in life, it’s best to steer clear of where you’re unwanted.
Pride, respect, ego and a need to show management you’re not gonna take it anymore are all reasons to put in your two week notice, or even in dramatic flair to quit on the spot. Most of us have at least had the fantasy, “Here…take my laptop; I’m done…good luck boss”
So why not do this? You’re a self respecting professional. You don’t have to grovel. You are worth more. You can do better…can’t you?
It’s just….quitting is gonna shut off your income…so there’s that. But beyond that, it shuts off your right to receive unemployment. Don’t forget after you quit you’ve likely got:
1. Health Insurance
2. Rent or Mortgage
3. Eating
4. Cell phone/utlities
5. Home or renters insurance
These things aren’t easyily to shut off (although if you find a way let me know) if you want to keep living so best to keep whatever income you can coming in.
Another reason not to quit, is that when the writing is on the wall, it’s the ideal time to look for the next job. Companies are typically more interested in hiring people that are currenly working and you seem to have more salary negotiating leverage when you’re gainfully employed vs. spending your day’s Netflixing out by yourself and taking your loose change in for bills at your local Coinstar.