Costco Entrance

A Trip to Costco in Taiwan

It’s nice to know that some American comforts exist all over the world. It’s hard to go anywhere in the world these days where you’re not too far from a Starbucks or a McDonald’s. I have mixed feelings about this. In some ways it’s a bit sad to see too much of the Western footprint everywhere and infringing on other cultures. On the other hand, McDonald’s has always been a reliable place where I could find a toilet that wasn’t of the squatter variety.

Well, the discount membership clubs have a worldwide footprint. And while I haven’t seen Sam’s Club, I know Costco has a few establishments in Taiwan. We took a trip there the other day. Here’s what an American can expect on a trip to Costco

Notice that all the prices are listed in the local currency which is NT dollars. The conversion rate for US currency is 1 NT = 0.032 USD as of January 28, 2019. In other words divide prices by 32 for approximate US price.

The entrance to a Costco in Taiwan is familiar enough with the addition of Chinese characters.

If you have a Costco membership in the US, your card works over here. If you don’t have one signing up is cheap enough.

Costco in Taiwan Membership Signup
Store layout is fairly similar with the membership signup near the entrance. Plenty of English makes this place easy for foreigners. The price for a new membership was listed as $1,150 NT for business member and $1,350 for Gold star member which exchanges to about $37 and $43 US respectively.
Samples are still a plenty although the items for sample aren’t always exactly what American’s are used to. Plenty of Ginseng extract drinks are popular in Asia.
Essence of “Guilu” wasn’t really to my liking. Some type of root or something I suppose.
Road Cams are quite popular for many drivers in Taiwan. I understand ones of the reasons for this is if you get footage of someone breaking traffic laws, you can submit it to the government and get a portion of the fee they pay as a ticket. A group of people self policing themselves.
Bodybuilders can find their protein fix in Taiwan at Costco
The inventory had many American items but is also heavily customized to the local area.
There’s a love for scotch here and I had a couple choices of scotch for sample at Costco. Nice.
Costco’s famous cheap rotisserie chicken is available in Taiwan.
An overview of Costco in Taiwan from the descending escalator
Some familiar prepared food items exist that are common in the US.
Some of the prepared food is customized to local taste
Perhaps the most important part of the Costco ritual remains in tact. The cheap $1.50 hotdog plus soda is available. Notice it’s a pork hotdog here. I swear it’s all beef in US.
I was too hungry to take a pic before chomping down.
In addition to the Chicken Bake they have a Bulgogi bake.
We made off with a decent haul of food which included milk from California. All carried out in a bag from Ikea which also has representation in Taiwan.